Bhagya Lakshmi 19th October 2023 Written Episode Update: Lakshmi requests Rishi to return back home
Lakshmi is sitting when the old individual is eliminated, Rishi invites her then asks concerning whether she is free so demands a second, lakshmi getting up asks would could it be that he need, he replies there is nothing then he holds her close to him yet Lakshmi gets extraordinarily stressed, Rishi hits his head against her sanctuary, Aanchal and Karishma continue to contemplate whether Rishi has suddenly erupted, Lakshmi endeavors to hit him yet he keeps on running backward when Lakshmi asks regarding whether Rishi dismissed and does he not have some knowledge of the dull canine, Lakshmi then, hits her forehead against him saying it is fine as the dim canine wouldn't play with him again, Rishi smiles agreeing with Lakshmi preceding walking around instructing Karishma and Aanchal in regards to the dim canine, Lakshmi feels a piece restless resulting to looking at them both preceding leaving, Rishi turns towards them both and they moreover leave, he is just smiling. Lakshmi goes to signal him preceding leaving furiously.
Kiran admonishes Malishka it would be better accepting she stays with him when Malishka asks Kiran to quickly bring the prescription, Rishi sees Malishka then requests what reason is she seeing him like this and thinks they have had the entire thing is left, Malishka coming apologizes to Rishi for mentioning he should picked either her or Lakshmi, Rishi asks then what now, he says he has uncovered he really wants to stay with Lakshmi accordingly would it be prudent for him he continue to tell Lakshmi that he as talked with Malishka and she sorted out it.
Aayush is searching for Shalu then can find her asking where is she going when Shalu says that they need to find the phone of Malishka to get to know reality when Aayush recognitions her for being so shrewd, Shalu answers it is just viewed as ordinary sense and a while later walks around yet Aayush answers that she has not changed and subsequently Shalu says this is being of genuine substance, Aayush says that Malishka can't similarly change and will continually remain dreadful. Both of them leave.
Rishi is following Malishka inquisitive with respect to whether he can confess all to Lakshmi when Malishka asks how more would he hurt her then says that she will berate him and a while later says that he is her veneration so how should she censure him, she says he would similarly not get his warmth. Rishi answers that he has never been discourteous and not done anything awry with her so she just has to get recompense from him and isn't fascinated so he has as of late abused Lakshmi and no other individual, he says this is just their bhagya and he married Lakshmi ensuing to leaving her after which he said he would respect this marriage which he did, then, went completely gaga for Lakshmi. Rishi prescribes they should push forward in their life, Kiran coming says she is more than happy to have imagined that they are both here and she asks Malishka how's everything going with she, Kiran says she made the drink then, at that point, contemplated getting them both to taste it yet exclusively after that would she serve it to the guests, Malishka taking the glass will not permit Rishi to taste it and subsequently leaves, Kiran going into the room asks Malishka what has she done as their game plan was working when Malishka says that their course of action would have failed had they given him the refreshment considering the way that Rishi would get the amazing chance to blame them, Malishka proposes the server should be the one to take this glass after which no one will think them, Kiran agrees with Malishka at whatever point she responds to that it is basically impossible to commit any sort of mistake as this war is against Lakshmi which she will win.
Aayush is very furious when Shalu asks what happened so Aayush says he is feeling stressed that something wrong will happen when Shalu starts to smile and he asks with respect to whether he is appearing to be a joker, Shalu asks what is he looking like, she answers he is talking like Dadi and a short time later Shalu demands that he not be worried as all inevitable well so by and by would they deal with their obligations, Aayush asks what is their work when Shalu replies to find Malishka.
Balvinder similarly enters the party in disguise and subsequently contemplates where is Malishka so then, at that point, unavoidably he sees Lakshmi figuring he will look at his Lakshmi, Balvinder sits on the table inverse Lakshmi and is essentially looking at her.
Kiran tells Malishka they need to do everything, Malishka demands that her mother take the amount of Balvinder and call him when Malishka sees him so says he has made an appearance to the party anyway by then says she will speak with him clearly, Kiran asks concerning whether Malishka has a couple of warm gestures for Balvinder anyway by then Malishka demands her mother to see it as Balvinder is in veil then Malishka says she understands him very well figuring out that principal Balvinder is the another then Rishi who could see Lakshmi like this. Kiran says then she will continue to make the refreshment while demand that the water serve it to Rishi. Malishka goes to walk around Balvinder hailing him to go with her, she is holding her adaptable and subsequently Shalu sees Malishka from the upper exhibition so enlightens Aayush, he asks what now when she proposes they need to get her convenient, Shalu and Aayush are asking the two of them are arranged when Aayush says it is actually similar to spread and Shalu asks how, Aayush says he will tell and a while later he finds Malishka purposely, but by then apologizes for not looking where he is going, Malishka sees Shalu so then, at that point, remembers when her mother said that Shalu is questionable about her, Aayush can exchange the flexible and subsequently apologizes to Malishka, Balvinder in the cover envisions that it wouldn't be ready to follow Malishka right now in this way he stays there, Malishka walks around stay close by Balvinder inquisitive concerning whether Shalu sought after Aayush then he demands the game plan when Malishka sees Rishi then, at that point, says she would enlighten him, Balvinder eliminates Malishka.
Kiran going to the kitchen sends the servers away and a while later she contemplates setting up the refreshment before some other individual appears.
Balvinder asks Malishka why did she call him here and what's going on, Malishka alerts him to act common and a short time later she says he really wants to look out for Shalu when Balvinder inquiries why is she acting like this when both of them are associates anyway Malishka alerts him to not talk garbage, he answers he is talking that both of them are companions when he says that he really wants to keep an eye out for Shalu while guarantee that Lakshmi evades Rishi, Balvinder indicates he would achieve the work yet she should at first let him in on happening to her.
Kiran is setting up the refreshment and subsequently she starts to mix the prescription in the drink, Abhay walks around the kitchen then, sees Kiran leaving with the plate so he asks her what is she doing here, Abhay says this is his main remembrance drink and a short time later kiran answers he can't drink it right now, Aanchal moreover enters asking what's going on between them both when Kiran leaves, Abhay is questionable then Aanchal asks regarding whether everything is fight and she says she couldn't figure both of them would battle along these lines and reliably thought they are happy couple, Abhay says it is just a legend and that is all there is to it, Aanchal thinks everyone is deterred and subsequently she says just a single association is pure which is substantial genuine, she says it is of Rishi and Lakshmi while she from her heart feels their association is pure. Aanchal goes to see Lakshmi staying in the corner and subsequently she gets a piece messed up asking what is lakshmi doing here, she walking around the kitchen enlightens that a women accepted something ought to eat so she thought about telling the server yet couldn't find anyone, Aanchal walks around to Lakshmi and a short time later asks regarding whether she by and large does this and is ready to work at the spot of everyone, Lakshmi answers it is of their need as the women is diabetic and she couldn't find anyone, while it is their commitment to help those stuck between a rock and a hard place and they even get this open door with their Bhagya, Aanchal leaves saying she can do anything that she needs. Balvinder is seeing Lakshmi thinking this is how she interminably is reliably ready to help others, therefore he is ceaselessly going to examine Lakshmi.
Kiran trains Ajay to have the plate while inquisitive with regards to whether he comprehends what he ought to do, she says he shouldn't commit any mistake and ought to come at some point or another.
Rishi is searching for Lakshmi when Kiran goes to him inquisitive concerning whether he is participating in the party, Abhay coming asks with regards to whether he has seen Aayush when Rishi answers that this happens as they can't sort out people who are close to them. Ajay goes with the refreshment which he offers to Rishi anyway he answers he doesn't really accept that it then Abhay endeavors ought to drink it yet Kiran powers Rishi to endeavor, he in like manner favors it a ton and a while later beverages the entire serving.